Sunday, January 30, 2005


Think all this studying is getting to me especially ESA. i mean while studying and asking questions i made so many typo's its ridiculous and the typos were OM-Goodness way off and OM!!! first for LSR=Logical Right Shift, my shift became a "shit" and then when asking about shift left multiple and right divide i wrote out the equation as one ADD and the other "ASS" then wanted to write "typo!!" but instead starting writing "poty" hahaha!! i need a real break and not a so called study break. sigh. -.- i don't know what to say anymore except im so so sorry for th typos and yeah OM-Goodness!!!! after all that thought i needed a break break so here i am writing an entry and in a way can't believe what i wrote just now above but then its like, yea stress man. either that or my typing is getting bad. sigh.

want to play NFS2U but then yeah can't needa study ESA can't afford to do badly like what happened for MI last semester. hopefully neither ESA or DTLE follow after that. sigh. i don't know what else to say or do but sigh. i mean even church this morning went bad. it was like. sigh. dragged on and instead of standing i had to sit and everyone around me was standing except for the little kids who sit after a while. i don't know today's just so not my day man. sigh. hopefully tomorrow's paper will be managable and i can at least get a B, just a B it ain't asking for much just a mere B. and if i get higher i'll laugh man. seriously laugh. BRE and BSPA im at least aiming a little higher at an A or B+ the least. i hope i don't do badly. kk time to get back and study!! study study!!

no more updates till after exams!! please help pray with me pray that no one screws up, gets sick or makes careless mistakes for any of the papers this week including the FCS students as well. thanks!! all of us need it. =D

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