Friday, March 25, 2005

Bleak XD

I'm like so suppose to be studying ESA but i like so have no mood for it. worse of all i feel so bad for not going to church today. i mean i service was at 9am so it's not that bad, but then i went to sleep only at like 2?? 3?? something in the morning!! so well yeah i just kinda so totally turned the alarm off and slept. woke at 9am and felt kinda guilty about it. lesh so needs to start getting home at decent hours, i just really can't take it anymore. worse is, BPD is like 8:30-5 everyday single day!! OM-goodness!!! but the again from what i hear IAP is tougher so guess i shouldn't be complaining and should be haha grateful?? =)

one sad part and this one i just have to wine!! PORTABLE MEDICAL RECORDER!!!!! i mean yeah i did write it down but me and jia ling really really really wanted to do the Portable ECG Recorder. sigh. efin got that, hope she has fun and enjoys it though. and i hope shy and amelia will enjoy their's as well and not be so depressed, but honestly and no offence, i kinda had this feeling that if i too were to write it down, just might have gotten it so just to play safe i chose not to write it in. and im like so thankful. sorry shy but yeah truthfully. now im so thankful to jia hui for the ESA book caues well yeah i so needa know about microprocessors and what not. ha ha ha!! i struggle the most with ESA then anything else. but oh well i'm know for being a dark horse so guess we'll jsut see. =p

now the question of my day!! what to get?!?! headphones?? mouse?? tank?? what?? it has to be nice and well yeah something that will be liked and not chucked. that would just so suck if it were to be though. though i kinda doubt it cause well yeah, so yeah!! hahaha!! im like so stuck and nothing is coming to mind except what i got so yeah it's gotta be really nice what i give, just what?!? sigh. so sucky man!! totally open for any suggestions!!! actually this is kinda bad but heck im like down to my last resort. lolx!!

guess i'll start "studying" tomorrow. but for now i have my mom and my sis laughing at me. i mean ok i thought since today was Good Friday i would sacrifice watching my FBI files and Crime Night, but then my sis and my mom just stared at me and broke out laughing and then know what my sis replied with. i was like standing there thinking what's wrong with that?? i don't see anything wrong....*shrugz* anywaz my sis, through her laughter said, 'on daddy's funeral day you can tell mommy that you wanna be the one to do autopy when she goes too but you don't think watching those shows are?...hmm?? now let's think about that??...' then she and my mom started laughing again. don't know whether im just like this slow idiot who don't get things or what but i just stood there asking, well what's wrong with that before i actually got it. it's not what i said but more of when i said it but that didn't dawn on me then cause well i was talking to my dad and coming his hair at that time and well yeah just kinda blurted out. anywaz it's true i was so pissed with the way everything was done. i mean you shouldn't be able to see any of the scars but i couldn't and my sis said no one else could it was just i knew where to look, but then come on his hair was all wet and embalming fluid was coming outta his ears!! so well yeah, i rather it me so that way it's properly done for obvious reasons and i would know and be able to complain properly to whoever does that kida lousy job to anyone else!!

anywaz guess this is something that'll just have to take care of one day but for now. ESA!!! hahaha!! hopefully i'd be able to update more often. sigh. hope man right now still a little stressed with everything but don't really wanna be writting entries of nothing but complaints and condemnations i'll leave that to lie within my poems. =D

for some reason i so feel like reading Red Rose again but then i know what happens and everything, just needa so get stephen king's movies and everything. watch the movie like it read the book that how i do it so yeah, first it's Red Rose-Diary of Ellen Rimbaurer then it's Red Rose. so cool and get this it's all about a house. even cooler!! haunted buildings are like so much more...scary then people and things. way scary!! kk think i should get back to studying and not scary movies or i'll like go on forever. lolx!!

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