We're made all different from each other so that we can learn from one another. That's what i believe and think. It's like this one parable about how things that we can't see we say doesn't exist even though it does through faith and by believing. May sound like I'm going off-track here but bear with me it does make sense.
When we can't see something we say it doesn't exist and that's why many people have a hard time understanding why Christians worship a God that no one has seen. True but love is never seen, it's just felt! Kind of like ghosts, everyone talks about it but who has really seen it (A sentence for the non-believers). God knows how the human mind works, after all HE created it! HE knows that we humans only like to believe what we can see, comprehend and understand. So HE sends us signs and HE comes down as beggars, as the disabled...as the lost..to teach us how we are meant to live our lives, to show us what it means to live! To show us how to love and what it means to say I Love You to someone! We can read the bible as much as we like but can we really ever understand it fully? Yes! But how many of us do? How many of us bother to take the time to understand what HE's trying to tell us, how many of us meditate on HIS word? Very few, a few that could be counted, which is sad to say and I too fall victim to this but that thing is HE's still there to teach and love, HE is patient...it takes time to learn things.
If someone you love is suffering without knowing the magnitude that you do and if you see someone being mean or cruel, arrogant and ignorant to your loved one who suffers...how do you feel? Now after knowing that, how it feels, would you do it in turn to someone else? Not necessarily to a disabled but even to an able person if you are in any way mean, cruel arrogant or ignorant to an other's thoughts and feelings than you are no better and haven't learnt fully!! They teach us about life, love and the meaning of helping one another.
Things my mom as always told me..
1) Always stretch out your hand to pick up the one who as fallen
2) If someone is to slap you, turn the other cheek to him for a slap
3) HE took the mighty from their thrones and the lowly HE has made of high estate (be humble and fearful)
4) Always give....give with two hands and receive with one (we should give more then we receive)
5) Love your neighbour as your brother (love, help and share; look down and judge no one, cause we are never judged by HIM just loved)
6) Never bite the hand that feeds you (Honour thy mother and father; and whoever else helps you in life)
Hopefully I didn't side-track and you understand...

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