Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to Cyberspace

Wasn't able to enter this website for a while as well as MSN and email accounts. My laptops keyboard decided to go kapootz right after the Commex Show. Sigh. So I wasn't able to use my computer for a while, but now that I've hooked up an external keyboard it's working fine now. Only problem would be the "fn" key. It doesn't exsist on a keyboard. Sigh, double-time! But I guess as long as I can access and use the net and all it's accessories, I shan't complain. =D

Works been getting stressful, more and more by the hour. Sigh. I still can't believe he wants a "spy"! And worst off it just has to be Kevin. Then to think of the new guy? I can bet my life and fully guarantee that the new guy was instructed not to talk to anyone other then James, Fredrick that gang. Sigh. Guess Kevin was a bit of a disappointment, but then again it's hard to say so I'll still watch my own back just to play safe here. I still need to survive there. PM this month and next month will kill, and March shall be worst than now.

Okay on a not so related note to the above, I want to discuss about authors and books that are nice to read and if anyone has a comment on what is preferred or any suggestions to a possible author or book title that I may like.

Okay so currently I'm reading Stephen King's A Bag of Bones. I love the phrases, "That's my dust catcher.." and "It's just another bag of bones...".

These two lines just really seemed to stand out especially the first, it's just so common....and so true...everything belongs to us, our past, out secrets and these things shall just sit there and collect dust...and it belongs to only us and no one else...

Overall the story's about this author, Michael Noonan; his wife passes away - very suddenly in a parking lot, and he kind of gets a writer's block or shall it say writer's walk. Towards the middle of the book; which is where I am currently, it seems more that it wasn't writer's block or walk but more of his wife's and his summer home was haunted. And it is these spirits that are controlling his actions or should I say thoughts. But I know that will come later. =)

Well once I finish withthe book or reach that portion of it where I'll either be right or wrong, I'll blog it here. Till then...Gdnite!!! =D

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