Sunday, October 26, 2008


Can't believe how long it has been since I was last here typing. Seriously, wow! July 14 and now it's end Oct. Wow!!

Okay, well I have been like super busy with everything, work is so stressful. Coming to a point were I just can't cope with the load. Yeah Andy has a lot on his plate but dude he gets to stay in the office and workshop and I'm like running around between NUH and TTSH. And honestly, I prefer TTSH. Jeff may be like this weird fanatic, way compulsive but seriously he's way better than Perumal....dummy..

He is like so damn lazy..doesn't bother to even collect the pumps at a steady rate, he collects one shot 20units kind of thing...major dummy!! Like hello, you honestly think that many can be done in like one day??!!! And all William as to say is YES, it needs to be done...fine whatever....
Don't like going to NUH now, that guy just freaks me out...he stands at the doorway of the commissioning room and asks totally personal questions!! Am i married? Is my husband and family here in Singapore? Do my parent's live here?

Told him I'm not married, which was probably the biggest mistake ever, cause he is like so harassing me now! Worst than N.O CK from TTSH ICL...sigh...i attract freaks..this is way sad....

On like a totally new note..nina's grandfather passed away. that was kind of excepted yet really shocking to hear. thought he was going to recover when i saw him that day at CGH. =( the funeral was sad...i just felt like it was all a dream..can only imagine how the family felt..sigh..
but it really made me think of daddy. i really wish i could go back and redo everything, the whole funeral and just everything. Everything went wrong and it just wasn't right, and it hurts to think that i had a part to play in having that happen to him, to his body, he last time here on earth was just like that...but if i could go back, i'd go to the time when he was still around and really force him to go for that check-up...but then again i know it is God's will that he is where he's at now, just wish it wasn't this soon....i wan to spend more time and days with him, more christmas', more birthdays, more fathers' days more everything....

okay this is getting depressing for me so i'm off till next time, hopefully that's soon =)

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