Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Wanted to write an nice entry about what's been going one but now kinda lost my mood. and its all thanks to Mother!! sometimes i just wanna hate her but then i cant...sigh..i know its a sin but i really can't help it. its like what's so wrong with me staying up late?? i seriously have stuff to do!! i really Don't have time to print that stuff out cause i Don't have time to clean the printer. seriously don't know what's any of your people's problems and worse of all, lesh doesn't help at all. sigh. but what to do??

so what if i wanna spend my time doing other things?? is it a crime?? don't think so!! but might as well just forget it, not like anything i say can redeem me from their accusatiosn so might as well just not be trippin' over it and let it go. but i so feel like wringing her neck out!!!

seriously lost my mood for writting anything, and it would be appreciated if this wasn't asked, i don't wanna talk about it i just wanna get it out and then forget all about it.

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