Sunday, August 07, 2005

24hrs just aint enough

24 hours in a day and there's 7 days a week and there's 4 weeks in a month, and we spend 6 months on a project that practically no one is near to finishing. sigh. 24 hours is not enough..therefore 4,032 hours in a 6-month period. sounds like a lot yeah i know but then its like ok first 6-weeks was VPP so that would then make it 3,024 hours as L3K1. so that's like 3,024 hours to do project research and hadware/software components and still manage classes and then mini-projects and assignments and mini-assingments..sigh. and its not like everyone really goes and studies 24/7 i mean e needa sleep or at least i know i do!! for goodness sake i've been late for classes lately cause can't wake and then if i stay late then haha i end up falling sick or something goes wrong. sigh...depressing man but what to do??

one week..just one more week and it's all over. in a way i'll miss it cause i'll miss some of the people and my friends but then i can't wait for the experience now. was scared but now im actually excited for it to come. lolx!! just hope i get where i want...therefore till now i don't know but i shall not say. =D really really want it so yeah. hahaha!! lame but heck!

kk time to start on the FINAL REPORT...the dreaded report of all time!!! sigh. write and compile...sigh 'me no wanna edit to third person' *sobz* lolx!! haha no jia ling like "what the hell" hahahaha!!! 'me bored, me no wanna gonna go crazy soon' or maybe i already have...hahahahahaha!!!! =D kk report time...sigh...*sob sob sobz* ='(

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