Monday, October 18, 2004

EXAMS!!! ...sigh...

Exams have all started and far not so good. made some careless mistakes for the last question but other then that math was ok. MI was a total gone case for me. honestly i stared at the paper and didn't really know how to do at all. God is great man!! for not studying much cause of aunty shirly's house prayers and everything, yeah, prayed in the exam hall. =) and it just kinda came to me. everything from the notes that i remember reading and writing out i remembered and was able to do those questions, of course there are some that will be wrong and yeah but heck still!! =D don't think i'll fail but yeah won't to do well either. sigh. oh well. =)

wanna thank amelia for the sms after school today and the email add!! thank you!! i emailed and now can only pray that its accepted. really want to go and yeah kinda really want it but then again i don't know whether its meant for me to have. do i need it?? i don't know only God does and He'll settle everything for both of us. i have faith even if you don't =)

kk i need sleep. practically didn't sleep the whole of the weekend, don't ask....sigh..sleepy but hair is all wet. nevermind there's alwaz a blow drier. =p nitey-nite!! =)

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